Differences between Scrumban, Kanban and Scrum

The popularity of the Agile systems as pertaining to project have been increasing, an influx of organizations have been trying to apply them to their production and services rendered. Scrumban is best described as a culmination from both Scrum and Kanban. Now these methodologies have similarities and thus can confuse a lot of companies on which to apply.

Each and everyone of these systems have their pros as well as heir cons.

Scrum is popularly known as one of the leading Agile support systems available for production and manufacture. Its main focus is on breaking down development tasks and making them smaller as it follows this methodology to assure efficiency. Its advantages are listed out below:

1. Improved Communication and Increased Involvement: all team members are allowed to “air their minds”. they are allowed to voice their opinions and take an active part in the decision making process
2. Customer Satisfaction: this is because communication is made easy in this system and the customers can very well tell the company what they require.
3. It efficiently and effectively traces the progress of the work flow as well as identifies the faults. This would the team adjust their methods to bring about a successful outcome

1. It is time consuming
2. It is wasteful as it makes all tasks to be clearly and takes up time for priority tasks to be accomplished
3. It puts strain on the team members.

1. Puts a limit on Work in Progress and thus lowers stress and strain on the members of a team
2. One of its major features is flexibility
3. High rate of Productivity as Priority tasks are carried out first before all others

1. Though a major feature of Kanban is that it is flexible, it is inflexible when it comes to on demand changes as it does not plan for such
2. It is not fully suitable for short length projects

Scrumban combines both Scrum and Kanban taking their best features as its own. Its pros include:

1. It is highly efficient in time management as it focuses on planning on demand and doesn't need arduous estimations
2. In terms of quality, it can be seen to surpass a lot of Agile systems as it takes the best qualities of two of the most leading systems i.e Scrum and Kanban
3. It is very efficient in waste management as it uses visual aids to show the flaws inherent in the work flow process and helps bring remedies.

1. In terms of planning, Scrum adopts planning method known as “sprint”, while Kanban adopts a planning routine based on the iteration. Scrumban takes a different approach altogether and uses the planning on demand routine
2. While scheduling meetings, Scrum takes a daily approach towards meetings, kanban differs and meetings can be avoided( they are optional). Scrumban holds a short event.
3. The Rules in Scrum are the most restrictive, while Kanban has only a few restrictions. Scrumban has even fewer restrictions than Kanban
4. Looking at the metrics of performance, Scrum takes a burndown approach while Kanban makes use of flow diagrams and cycles of lead time. Scrumban metric performance is done using average cycle time.
5. Scrum and Kanban are both two entirely different systems and Kanban is an embodiment of two stand alone systems

The IBQMI® Certified Scrumban Practitoner® enables the user of the framework to capture the five most important pieces of information. Find out with the Certified Scrumban Practitoner®

To learn the Kanban 101 at team-level, enroll in the IBQMI® Approved Kanban Professional.
If you want to apply Kanban to any environment at an advanced coach level, you should enroll in the Certified Kanban Coach®.

To master even big projects, enroll in the Certified Lean Project Manager®

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