Getting More Done in Lesser Time with IBQMI® Kanban

The whole idea of Kanban has been in existence for years. Though, it was not called Kanban then, at least not until quite recently. Take, for instance, in the 1940s; Toyota employed the use of Kanban to manage their manufacturing processes better. Since the idea is to be able to visualize the tasks, improve communication, and consequently optimize the flow of work.

Kanbans basic structure consist of a minimum of 3 columns

With the use of the Kanban system, multi-stage tasks become simplified, and tasks are now being made easier for each of the staff in an organization to know the prioritized-tasks that need to be handled. Over the years, Kanban has been used as a useful project management tool in the cooperate world and has consequently been a tool to reckon with.

When employing the use of Kanban, it is crucial to note that its basic structure is at least in three columns, which are To Do, Doing, or In Progress and Done. This means all the tasks to be done are put on the To-Do column, the tasks in progress are put on the Doing column, and the completed tasks are put on the Done column.

There are tons of useful tips when using a Kanban system, some of which are as mentioned below:
• Limit the number of items on the Doing column: this is quite important if you must optimize the use of Kanban. If this is strictly followed, it allows you to focus on a few tasks with maximum dedication and concentration. With this, you complete many tasks in lesser time.
• Build off and tailor the structure to your needs: another interesting tip about the Kanban system is that you can build off the basic structure, and then tailor it to suit your needs. You can color-code your Kanban board, by so doing, you can easily visualize how long each task on the columns take. This consequently informs your decision about which task to work on and which task can still be delayed a bit.
• Ensure you improve the team through proper monitoring: your best bet is the use of Cumulative Flow Chart when trying to analyze Kanban. With Cumulative Flow Chart, the entire work looks like insight as you can visualize the performance recorded over time, and you will be able to make accurate predictions for the present engagements and future projects.

Another amazing thing about the use of the system is that it uses a kind of scientific approach to an organization, and when this technique is applied, it increases evolutionary changes in an organization. This consequently leads to more productivity and better delivery of services to the clients.

Getting more done in lesser time is achievable with the use of Kanban system as it is a technique that has been tested and trusted in achieving maximum results at workplace. Try it now, and you’ll be glad.

What’s next?
To learn the Kanban 101 at team-level, enroll in the IBQMI® Approved Kanban Professional.
If you want to apply Kanban to any environment at an advanced coach level, you should enroll in the Certified Kanban Coach®.

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