How to Delegate Task Effectively

One effective way to increase the productivity of the team is by assigning the task to others. By sharing duties and responsibilities, this increases a certain form of collective intelligence. But are you ready to let go of some of your decision-making power? This is the real question. To delegate is to entrust a person with the achievement of a goal as well as the responsibilities that come along with it. This in no way corresponds to the fact of distributing tasks, that is to say, giving a task to someone.

Entrust a person with the achievement of a goal

Delegating or not delegating is often considered to be a choice of the leader. However, in reality, he has no choice. Delegation indirectly shows a leader trust and respect his subordinates, and they will feel more motivated to work discretion.

What is the main reason for delegating tasks? At times, a person's area of ​​responsibility becomes so vast that they can no longer handle it both physically and mentally. At this point, He/she must delegate some of her authority to others in order to properly fulfil the responsibilities of her position.

The following below are ways of delegating tasks effectively:

• Be in control and have the right state of mind
First and foremost, it is important to realize that delegation is not a loss of control. On the contrary, it is a necessary aid for your work. You cannot do everything, and if you have the opportunity to delegate tasks as the leader, it is because you are in a position that allows you to do so.
Teamwork is essential in business, and you must contribute to it. This has many advantages, one of which will allow you to focus on priority tasks that you cannot get rid of.

• Delegating the right tasks
One of the key points for effectively delegating at work is choosing the right tasks to delegate. These cannot be primary and priority tasks for you. There is a need to delegate less important tasks, especially at the start.

On the other hand, it is also not a question of delegating only the tasks which you must do, but which you wish to get rid of at all costs. The employee who will have to perform these tasks may feel useless and take this as disrespect. So avoid delegating these tasks too abruptly.

• Delegating tasks to people you trust
The choice of employee or collaborator is important since the success of the task depends on it. You have to trust the person in charge of the job fully. Also, it is possible to delegate tasks to people who precisely, need to feel valued, or revalued, within the team and organization.
This is a great way to make employees aware of their importance on the team and the trust you place in them, respect them and value their discretion.

• Clarity in explanation of the task and its purpose
In order for the delegation to be a real success, it is essential to explain the task clearly. The person who will have to do it must understand what is asked of him. To do this, you must take the time during an appointment.

To be sure that everything is clear, do not hesitate to insist that you are present if there is any problem and that you are available for any questions or questions that he may have.

• Provide the means to succeed
One of the other things to remember is to share all of the resources and information you have available to accomplish the task. This will allow your colleague to reach the goal faster and complete the task in the best possible way.

Indeed, it would be a shame if by delegating, the whole team wastes time. The actions you choose to delegate might be done faster if they were done by yourself. It is then necessary to give all the means and knowledge possible to your subordinate so that he loses the least possible time.

• Track the progress of the task remotely
It is essential to make regular points to know if the person to whom you have delegated the task is doing well or if he is late, or faces difficulties.

But it is not a question of asking it to be held accountable too often. You need to find a balance between the autonomy of your employee and good follow-up.

In conclusion, now you have all the cards in hand to effectively delegate tasks. All you have to do is choose the tasks in question and designate the people who will do the work. By effectively delegating, your entire team will benefit and even your entire business. So don't hesitate!

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