Skills That Define a Leader

Have you ever wondered why some people are personalized to have more leadership acumen than others? It is basically due the skills they possess. A leader is made of different skills, so, to know who a leader really is, check out for the following skills.

A leader doesn't work haphazardly

1. Communication: the ability to communicate effectively defines a leader to a great extent. Regardless of the industry, a leader must possess requisite communication skill. This skill is multi dimensional and one is incomplete without the other. Communication could be written or oral, upward or downward. A good leader must be able to communicate effectively in an acceptable official language of business and instruction, he must be able to speak and be well understood, to write and be understood, and must as well be able to interpret virtual communication models such as mails, chats and messages. He should be possessive of the elements of communicating with subordinate and super ordinate without any blunder.

2. Human Relations: all leaders have the ability and capability to deal with people towards achieving positive results. A good leader must understand people's temperament, their emotional well being and be considerate of their mental health. He should be able to work hand in hand and not only give orders.

3. Emotional Intelligence: this is a must have skill for all leaders as all leaders across all aspects of life have a medium of emotional intelligence. It is the ability to carry along with people based on who they are, how they behave without necessarily being aggressive. A leader should be able to discern that people have different background socially, culturally and emotionally, and the ability to deal with them based on who they are makes one a good leader.

4. Exemplary Attitudes: a leader must be able to lead by example. He should be seen as a model worthy of emulation. Imagine giving directives to members of staff or team members and flouting the laws, such does not speak well of a leader. A good leader not only give, but also act for others to emulate. He must set a path for others to follow.

5. Time Management: time management speaks a lot about leaders. With overwhelming schedule, lots of workload, and deadlines to meet, a leader must be able to manage his time consciously without using a task to affect another. To achieve this, strategies such as prioritization, time allocation and setting to do list can be adopted. A leader doesn't work haphazardly but in a well structured time managed mode.

6. Ability to build team members: a leader doesn't assume overall majesty, rather, the trains others to become a leader as well. One of the skills that stand good leaders out is their ability to build up their team members sustainably. This will not only allow the members to feel responsible, it will also make them have a sense of belonging and fulfillment.

7. Professionalism: this is the ability to discern work from play and seriousness from joke. A leader works when necessary, plays with team members when necessary and joke when necessary. All in all, he does not allow anything to interfere with his professional conduct.

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