The five essential Online Kanban Software tools

We are all familiar with the traditional Kanban system where cards are set up on boards. We label what piece of work the cards represent on the board and we know just how much work is needed and when the work is due. We can also use the Kanban for IT project portfolio management — with big tech companies around the world, like Google, PayPal, and others using it on a regular basis.

Kanban system for IT related jobs quite differ from the normal Kanban systems. They require more than just white board and cards with notes. There are project management softwares that are designed to support Kanban in the cloud.

If you are interested in having softwares that will help you with Kanban, then check out the following.

These online tools served big corporations and enterprise for a long time

This Kanban software is fully designed to issue tracking. This powerful software is used by big companies like Samsung, Cisco, and Jaguar. If your business or company runs this large enterprise, then YouTrack is the perfect option for you.




This software is quite popular amongst Kanban fans. It is used by major companies such as Verizon, Adobe, and Siemens amongst others. LeanKit is used to keep businesses running smoothly. This software gets its project management efficiency from various procedures and processes. In terms of usability, there is a learning curve to be expected but it doesn’t take long to fully understand it. It is a powerful software for both small and big businesses alike.




You cannot mention Kanban online softwares without mentioning Trello. This software was designed and is currently modeled as the Kanban industry standard. It is one of the best free project management online softwares available.



If you have a team that focuses on using Scrumban, then Yodiz is the betting software for you. This software is built with techies in mind. It is fully centered on agile project management and it offers pre-designed features such as product backlogs, issue trackers, and integration with common development tools.




This is a very sweet software that has impressed so many users over the years. It has a strong rating amongst the Kanban community. It is usually used by people who need Google Drive integration. Kanbanchi permits users to create dashboards that convert to files in Drive. The entire system is clean, easy to use, and quick to understand.



These are the top 5 Kanban online softwares that will help you effectively manage your It projects. They have their flaws but they have served both big corporations and enterprise for a long time.

Would you like to learn more about Kanban and get certified? Enroll in the Certified Kanban Coach®

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