6 Reasons why the IBQMI TQM TRAINER® is important.

For a long time, TQM and six sigma techniques have made a positive impact on the work of several teams in so many companies and industries. However, what you should know is that learning TQM and six sigma methodologies and getting a certificate will help your career tremendously. As a set of carefully designed tools that are put in place to improve the working processes within a company, learning the six sigma methodologies of the IBQMI TQM TRAINER® will put you at the forefront of most activities in your company. Here are some reasons why you should be a certified IBQMI TQM TRAINER®. read more ...

Scrumban 101: What is it, and why is it important? A Beginner's Guide

Scrumban has an interesting twist to it as it is a combination of the ever popular Scrum and Kanban. When these two systems are combined, the outcome gives birth to “Scrumban”. Scrum has a majority of its focus on project development as well as product development. Kanban on the other hand is a powerful support tool aimed at aiding production along with project management. read more ...

5 Mistakes to Avoid in Project Management

When hiring a project manager to help in manage your next project, ensure you look out for these following mistakes in order to ensure success in such project. read more ...

The advantages of Using IBQMI® TQM and Six Sigma

The rise in the cost of production and the increased competition every day has become something very challenging for businesses and organizations. This is the main reason why IBQMI® TQM and lean six sigma has been developed to help you solve those problems and push your business towards the desired goals. Here are a few advantages that it gives you ... read more ...

The Top 5 Lean Tools for Agile Enthusiasts

We all agree that it is lean is very important for project management. And it is for this reason that lean tools have been created. But what exactly are lean tools? A lean tool is a software that allows employees to grab opportunities for improvement anytime they see them. They have a system where all team members will have access to. This makes information sharing very easy. They also notify you of any alert so that you can be informed and productive at all times. read more ...

How Project Management Can Turn To Agile

Going by the word agile, which means the ability or capability of something to move rapidly with ease, then, we conveniently can say that any methodology that works with such capability and flexibility is agile. This methodology is adopted for the purpose of project management, software development and many others. read more ...

5 Important Points to Consider in Total Quality Management

Needless to say that Total quality Management (TQM) is a systematic approach geared toward planning and implementing a sustainable organization improvement process. It focuses on giving the customers the best experience possible when dealing with the organization through laid-down principles of commitment, promotion and a two-way communication system. Here are the five points to consider to successfully implement TQM in your organization. Let’s dive in ... read more ...

Principles involved in the implementation of Total Quality Management (TQM)

TQM has helped out businesses for a long time and there are steps that have to be taken to ensure that it is implemented properly in an organization. The first step is to find all the relevant information about the company. The organization’s history, current market needs, the events that led them to implement TQM and the current quality of living for their employees. read more ...

Top 5 Benefits of IBQMI® Lean Project Management

Every business is trying to maximize its resources to create values for the customers and anything that’s outside of this scope is nothing but a waste. Since the goal of every company is to maintain quality delivery all year round without slowing down, so it is important the system work toward such goals. Even, those that are interested in lean management also look at value and progress from the perspective of the customers who are one of the major stakeholders of the organization. read more ...

The six steps needed to make TQM a success

TQM has for long been associated with management techniques that seek to bring together all the organizational functions and use them to ensure that customer satisfaction is met. The organizational functions that are merged and managed together include design, marketing, finance, engineering, customer service, production, and others. read more ...

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